Black Pussy Willow - Salix gracilistyla Melanostachys

Salix gracilistyla (Melanostachys)

z. 5 -9     ht. 10′

The black pussy willow has spectacular, large black catkins with eye-catching red anthers that bloom in late winter and early spring. Willows are fast growers and this plant will become a decent-sized shrub within a year. We recommend to cut back the shrub hard every 3 or 4 years to revitalize the shrub, in general, and to show off the reinvigorated large black catkins, in particular.

All willows and especially the pussy willows contain large amounts of nectar and pollen when in bloom and are very important food-sources to bees at a time of year when not much else is blooming.

All Willows are 1-gal. size

Price: $15 CAD