White Jasmine


Jasminum officinale

z. 6 – 10       ht. 10′ or more

Elegant and somewhat hardy, white jasmine produces pure white flowers with the legendary exquisite fragrance that will surely lift your spirits on a warm summer day or evening. Almost heaven! Although it can be pruned as a standard (self-standing shrub), it is usually trellised as a vine to grow up against the sunny side of your house or wall. Plant near your bedroom window for a summer treat. Occasionally jasmine will die-back in winter but will grow back vigorously from the root zone as if nothing happened. The warmer , sunnier and more protected the planting spot is, the happier a Jasmine will be. Jasmine blooms mid-summer and continues blooming off and on until the end of October.

All Permaculture Plants are 1-gal. size plants

Price: $20 CAD