(Oregon) Basket Willow

figsforlife.ca - Salix 'Oregon'

Salix purpurea (Oregon)

z. 5- 10    ht. 15′

Impressively vigorous basket willow – thrives remarkable well in all enviroments. Grows with red stems and purple-tinged leaves. The tough, thin and straight wood of the purpureas lend themselves to basketry and to wattle fencing.

Coppice (prune) the stems of (Oregon) yearly to produce the long, straight ‘rods’ used for basket weaving. Coppice only every second or third year to produce larger and stronger wood for wattle fencing.

As all the purpureas have extremely bitter leaves, this may make them relatively deer-proof.

All Willows are 1-gal. size

Price: $15 CAD