(Newkind) Almond-Leaved Basket Willow

figsforlife.ca - Salix triandra 'Newkind'

Salix triandra (Newkind)

z. 3 – 10    ht. 8′ / 30′  (coppiced / tree-form)

An olive-green stemmed willow often used in basketry. The flexible 7′ – 9′ “rods” are coppiced (cut) yearly from this tree. Very ornamental, (Newkind) can also be used for hedging and as a ‘living willow structure’.

Coppice (cut nearly to the ground) yearly to produce the long, straight stems (rods) used for basketry. Coppice only every second or third year to produce larger and stronger wood for wattle fencing.

All Willows are 1-gal. size

Price: $15 CAD