Comfrey ‘Bocking 14’

Price: Sorry, sold out. Please check back in July.

z. 4 – 9    ht. 3′   ‘Bocking 14’ strain.       Symphytum x uplandicum ‘bocking 14’

This is the sterile (meaning that it is not invasive!) Russian strain of comfrey. This is the perfect permaculture plant – improving the soil dramatically where it grows. This beautiful vibrant-looking plant makes a wonderful fertilizer. Add armfuls of the leaves to a water container to make compost tea for your garden. Used on anything that fruits – from tomato plants to your fruit and nut trees – and you will see a larger production of fruit. We use comfrey tea on everything, including the nursery stock, to increase it’s vitality. Everyone should have this plant in their garden. Highly recommended!

Plant will form a clump that will grow over time. Keep the leaves picked to keep the plant growing vigorously. Very difficult to dig out once established, so pick a spot on the fringe of your garden where it can be left to grow undisturbed. Likes some sun.


All Permaculture Plants are 1-gallon sized plants.

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