(Rubikins) Basket Willow

figsforlife.ca - Rubykins willow

Salix koriyanagi (Rubikins)

z. 3 – 10     ht. 8′ – 13 ‘

Graceful, compact willow with stunningly beautiful glowing coppery-red new growth of leaves in spring. Leaves become, in summer, a very handsome pale green with a white midrib. Stems are very flexible and are used extensively in Japan for fine basketry and increasingly in North America by basket makers eager to weave the flexible stems. Native to Korea. Hardy and easy to grow. Although often used in basketry, Rubikins is just as suited as an ornamental. Choice!

Coppice (prune) the stems yearly to produce the long, straight ‘rods’ used for basket weaving. Coppice only every second or third year to produce larger and stronger wood for wattle fencing.

All Willows are 1-gal. size

Price: $15 CAD